Tag Archives: #Paris jazz

Claude Carrière (1939-2021)

Claude à Honfleur, 17 Avril 2013 … courtesy of Claude

Claude Carrière (March 14, 1939 – February 20, 2021) … his Facebook page has become the place to learn about the producer, scholar, pianist, President of La Maison du Duke … a Parisian who loved New York as well, he took me to lunch in his Charonne neighborhood and explained terroir … I am so grateful for the friendship. A small funeral will be held.

I last saw Claude in fall 2019 at the Harlem à Limoges conference. He was radio colleague and a friend. I saw him in Paris too, broadcasting live on France Musique from Sunset/Sunside. I have wonderful CDs that he produced, each package is beautiful and clever. What follows is my blog post from last March, when we were becoming acquainted with isolation.

Restez chez vous tips from Claude Carrière

The following joke has rewarded me with 59 likes and 15 shares on Facebook. It comes from my friend Claude Carrière in Paris.

A plane with 5 passengers on board — Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, the Pope and a 10-year-old schoolgirl — is about to crash and there are only 4 parachutes.